Selecting Industrial Gas Suppliers: Consider Integration ...

Author: Evelyn y

Apr. 29, 2024

Selecting Industrial Gas Suppliers: Consider Integration ...

Engineering teams at operating companies can help maximize the value of industrial gas supplies by optimizing the requirements of the gas supplier with the chemical producer

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The industrial gas (IG) industry has been around for decades, with some IG suppliers tracing their histories for well over a century. And although the industry continually evaluates and implements new technologies, most IG production processes are quite mature. For example, cryogenic distillation, a process that traces its origins back to the late 1800s, is typically still the preferred technology to produce large volumes of gases like oxygen and nitrogen (Figure 1).

For the grassroots chemical-process-industries (CPI) manufacturer needing world-scale volumes of industrial gas, the IG suppliers will typically propose a production facility to be built on or adjacent to the consumer’s plant (generally referred to as an “on-site” plant). In some areas, such as the U.S. Gulf Coast, existing IG pipeline enclaves may be available for tie-in, which gives the IG producer flexibility in determining the most cost-effective size and location for the addition of IG capacity along the pipeline.

Since the number of IG suppliers offering on-site solutions is relatively limited (the industry is frequently referred to as an oligopoly) and given the maturity of IG production technology, one would expect a relatively straightforward procurement process for the selection of an industrial gas supplier. Many CPI operating companies use a traditional RFP (request for proposal) for industrial gas supplies, which need only define their gas demands in terms of the technical requirements (such as quantity required, flow profiles, purities, and pressures) and commercial terms (such as contract duration, contingency protocols and pricing specification).

It is not uncommon for such RFP procedures to generate bid results that are extremely close. This is not surprising, since IG suppliers offering on-site solutions tend to use many of the same major equipment suppliers and tend to require similar returns on their capital investments. Bid differentials of 1–2% are not unusual between the top two IG bidders for an on-site opportunity.

In the experience of the author, the RFP process, however, does not typically capture integration synergies that generate significant operational expenses (OpEx) savings (primarily power) and capital expenses (CapEx) optimization between the requirements of the consumer and the IG supplier. Such synergies can generate savings far more significant than those evident from the bid results of the RFP. On the OpEx side alone, for example, cost savings of greater than 15% are possible and should be reflected directly in the consumer’s price for the industrial gas or gases needed.

The purpose of this article is to suggest a somewhat expanded IG supplier-selection approach to capture such savings. The process requires both the IG users’ commercial and technical teams (composed primarily of process engineering and project management personnel). Such teams at chemical production facilities work with the IG suppliers to maximize their value proposition from the IG bidders (in terms of optimizing the trade-offs between OpEx, CapEx, flexibility and gas availability). This selection approach supplements the initial RFP, and is similar in many ways to negotiated procurement. It requires significant dialogue between the IG supplier and IG consumer facility, and is generally more successful if the personnel at the consumer facility has a general understanding of the business drivers influencing the IG bidders, including their market position, their contracting preferences, and areas of potential integration between the consumer’s and the IG supplier’s production processes. These topics are highlighted below.

Optimization considerations

It is recognized that commercial and technical resource constraints and project scheduling pressures prevent the typical operating company from following a negotiated procurement approach with many IG suppliers. For this reason, it is suggested to use the RFP process to short-list potential IG suppliers, then work with two suppliers to evaluate the synergies discussed here before selecting the successful bidder.

One word of caution here — admittedly, this suggested approach does not work unless the finalist IG suppliers feel they can share their ideas confidentially. The operating company must reinforce this requirement with its commercial and technical teams to avoid even the perception that good ideas are being “shopped.”

For purposes of illustration, assume the CPI consumer needs large volumes of gaseous oxygen. This would be typical for products such as ethylene oxide (EO), which routinely consume over 1,500 STPD (short tons per day) of oxygen as feedstock. As such, it represents an oxygen load that is attractive to most IG suppliers. This quantity of oxygen would justify the process and commercial integration techniques set forth in this article. To a lesser extent, the same optimization considerations apply for the procurement of other on-site gases, such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide, but because of byproduct considerations and cryogenic liquid backup capabilities associated with a cryogenic distillation air separation unit (ASU), the integration opportunities are easier to illustrate using oxygen as an example.

Before proceeding, it is important for the CPI operating company to understand that the value of the business may be viewed quite differently by the potential bidders. And, to a certain extent, the IG user can impact this value. The goal is to maximize the attractiveness of the user’s “baseload” oxygen demand in the context of the IG supplier’s strategic objectives in the geography. If the IG supplier spends incremental CapEx for its needs in the market, the potential exists for the gas consumer’s “baseload” pricing to benefit based upon how the capital Is allocated. This typically involves the IG supplier adding merchant liquid addition for sale to third parties, and is discussed further in the next section below.

It is also relevant to discuss the commercial structure in which IG suppliers sell their products. This primarily falls into one of two categories: SOE (sale of equipment) or SOG (sale of gas). In the SOE case, the consumer essentially purchases the IG production equipment or the turn-key IG facility. The consumer facility may operate and maintain the IG facility itself or subcontract to a third party for such services. The SOG case involves buying the oxygen and related gases “over the fence”. Here, the IG supplier and consumer enter into a long-term product-supply agreement (typically 15 to 20 years in duration) with agreed-upon pricing, price escalation and minimum gas-purchase obligations. The IG supplier’s intent is to capture the plant investment over the agreement term at an acceptable rate of return. Those in the industry sometimes refer to sale of equipment as “buying the cow” versus sale of gas as “buying the milk”.

Traditionally, the IG industry strongly prefers SOG over SOE and for the purposes of this article, a SOG model is the assumed contract structure.

Areas of potential integration

Given the preceding background, the evaluation of three areas of potential process and commercial integration is suggested. Much of this falls within the IG supplier’s analysis, but it is important for the consumer to understand what the supplier is contemplating because it impacts the integration opportunities the parties should explore.

Merchant liquid synergies. If an IG supplier is considering the construction of an on-site ASU for a major oxygen requirement, it is almost a certainty that the addition of merchant products will be considered (“merchant” refers to liquified products trucked and sold by the IG supplier to third parties). The incremental addition of liquid nitrogen (LIN), liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid argon (LAR) to an on-site facility is almost always more cost effective than the IG supplier’s alternative of a stand-alone merchant plant, even if significant trucking of the merchant products is required from the new on-site facility (Figure 2). Depending upon the merchant pricing in the geography under consideration, merchant credits for sales to third parties can approach or exceed the margin of the consumer’s underlying baseload requirement. In short, adding merchant capabilities can support a significant amount of incremental CapEx and allow the IG supplier to subsidize the pricing of the consumer’s baseload. Essentially, it gives the IG supplier another lever to improve their bid to the consumer while maintaining their required return criteria for the ASU investment.

Given the economic benefits of adding LOX, LIN and LAR capabilities to an on-site plant, it is helpful for the consumer to have a general knowledge of each IG bidder’s merchant position within the geography. If Supplier A has a dominant merchant position, while Supplier B is attempting to establish merchant capabilities, a dynamic may be established in which the bidders are looking at defensive drivers, as well as growth drivers, in terms of their aggressiveness in pursuing the consumer’s baseload.

Since the IG industry uses a product line (or standardized plant) approach for most ASU plant sizes to minimize upfront engineering and execution costs (including the design of large ASU plants in this size range), the addition of merchant products can also lead to the selection of a more cost-effective plant in the product line, or better utilization of the facility appropriate for the consumer’s baseload. Additionally, synergies are likely with respect to the ASU’s liquid backup system if the IG supplier elects to supply merchant customers from the on-site plant. This synergy is discussed further below.

Electricity cost transparency and synergies. In addition to being CapEx-intensive, the IG production process requires significant quantities of energy. Electricity is typically the key operating cost in the case of atmospheric gases, and natural gas is typically the key operating cost with respect to process gases, such as hydrogen. Typically, the most important lever in reducing the ASU’s OpEx is directly related to the power procurement strategy, so we will focus on this topic. But again, to understand the opportunities here, it is beneficial to understand some of the behaviors and standard practices of the IG industry.

As noted above, the sale-of-gas model is by far the IG industries’ preferred method of supply. When promoting SOG, IG suppliers will frequently (and appropriately) claim that the consumer essentially has a power performance guarantee over the entire life of the contract, as opposed to an initial (or limited) performance test guarantees associated with the sale-of-equipment model.

In the SOG model, each product’s price typically has a coverage factor to pass through the IG supplier’s energy cost. Depending upon the geographic region, well over 50% of the IG producer’s product price (in this case, the product is oxygen) is electricity pass through (Cvg1 in Equation (1)). Assuming the coverage factor does not change over the life of the contract, the IG supplier is guaranteeing an energy efficiency via the escalation formula agreed to contractually.

The following simplified escalation formula (Equation (1)) only escalates the base oxygen price (the price set at the beginning of the oxygen supply agreement) as a function of electricity at the time of escalation. In actual practice, numerous other terms may be included in the formula to pass through the IG supplier’s cost changes in such areas as labor, taxes and maintenance and repair (M&R) costs.

O2Pricen = O2Priceb × [Cvg1(PWRN/PWRB) + (1 – Cvg1)]                    (1)


  • O2Pricen is the new oxygen price resulting from the pricing escalation, administered at a frequency as defined in the agreement (for example, once per month)
  • O2Priceb is the base oxygen price as set forth in the supply agreement
  • Cvg1 is the coverage factor (or multiplier) associated with electricity passthrough
  • PWRN is the electricity price at the time of each escalation
  • PWRB is the electricity price assumed at the time Priceb was established

To account for changes in the cost of electricity during the term of the agreement, the IG supplier and consumer usually agree on a published index or schedule from the appropriate utility to represent the IG supplier’s power cost (PWRB above) associated with the base oxygen price (O2Priceb). At a frequency set forth in the agreement, the then-current index (PWRN) is used to determine the new oxygen price at the time of each escalation. Although this method is common, it can become problematic over a long-term agreement, because the index may not accurately reflect the actual cost of electricity being purchased by the IG supplier.

However, the key issue with the above escalation approach is that it does not capture a core competency of the industrial gas industry — that is, the ability to obtain low-cost power. While power supplier (utility) rate structures and power procurement strategies are beyond the scope of this article, it is fair to say that the IG industry is exceedingly knowledgeable in power procurement, as well as negotiating with utilities for specialized rate schedules and other incentives, where appropriate. Historically, electric power suppliers value the ASU’s power load because of its size (routinely over 50 MW) and its high load factor. Going forward, however, the ASU’s ability to quickly shed load by utilizing its liquid backup system(s) brings even more value to the utility (as more intermittent generation sources, such as wind and solar, are added to the grid). This ability to quickly interrupt allows the IG supplier to look at numerous rate schedules from the power supplier (such as time of day or interruptible rates), as well as provide flexibility to act as reserve load that the utility may shed when the grid becomes stressed. Depending upon the geography and specific utility, it is not unreasonable to expect power savings of well over 30% by employing such opportunities. And as noted above, such power-cost improvement translates to a savings potential of well over 15% in the consumer’s oxygen price.

If the consumer and IG supplier have entered into an arrangement where both parties are incentivized to aggressively pursue low-cost electricity (and incentives from the power-providing utility), it probably makes more sense to escalate the oxygen price based upon the IG supplier’s actual cost of electricity, rather than utilizing an index or utility rate schedule for PWRN and PWRB. This WACOE (weighted average cost of electricity) approach assures the pricing escalation is accurate and allows the IG supplier to aggressively pursue utility incentives that are ultimately reflected in the consumer’s cost of oxygen. If the gas user has a concern regarding the validity of such WACOE data, they can always include audit rights in the product supply agreement as recourse.

Note that if the IG supplier includes merchant liquid in its scope, it is a good indication that the consumer’s and IG supplier’s power-procurement interests are aligned. The IG supplier desires low-cost power to improve business margins when selling LOX, LIN and LAR to third parties. The CPI operating facility benefits from a lower oxygen price on the baseload demand of the facility through lower power passthrough costs.

Although understanding the various energy rate schedules and incentives is typically a commercial conversation between the IG supplier and the utility, the operating company’s technical team is essential here to assure the size of the backup system results in an acceptable risk profile for the power-procurement strategy implemented. This is discussed in further detail in the following section.

On-site facility backup considerations and shared CapEx opportunities. The benefits discussed in the previous two sections cannot occur without a detailed analysis and appropriate sizing of the IG on-site liquid-backup system. The backup system is also critical in assuring the IG plant can meet the oxygen availability requirement for supply to the consumer’s facility in the event of planned or unplanned ASU downtime.

Most ASUs utilize large LIN and LOX storage tanks with natural gas vaporizers for immediate backup supply. The liquid-backup system assures continuous gas supply to the consumer in the event of a power interruption or ASU planned or unplanned outage. Typically, the backup tank is an LR (liquid reservoir) designation, which is a stick-built tank designed to hold large quantities of LOX or LIN at low pressure (Figure 3). An LR-100 for example is sized to hold a quantity of LOX that, when vaporized, is 100 million standard cubic feet of gas.

It is important to understand that LR tanks scale very efficiently (in the experience of the author, at less than a 0.6 scaling factor). Like the ASU product line, they tend to follow standard design sizes and need relatively minor customization from location to location (apart from wind and geotechnical considerations, which influence the foundation and vessel-shell details).

There are at least two considerations which influence backup system sizing:

Consumer availability requirements: It is important to understand from the IG supplier the reliability expectations and guarantees of the ASU (greater than 98% is typical). Assuming the consumer needs availability approaching 100% (excluding planned, joint outages), one aspect of the LR design must include such storage to meet this differential between the ASU’s anticipated reliability and the consumer’s required availability.

Capturing power incentives: In addition to time-of-day rates and load shedding incentives from the utility supplying the on-site plant, additional savings may be available on the demand side by shedding load during peak electricity usage periods. And while each cost savings opportunity has a quantifiable benefit, each also has an associated risk profile. The consumer’s technical team needs to work with the IG supplier (and utility) to understand the risk-reward profile for each power savings opportunity and agree on the appropriate increases in LOX and LIN storage to support.

One final consideration in backup-system sizing is the time needed to initially fill and to refill the selected LR tank following an ASU outage or power reduction. Desired fill time may also impact the ASU’s liquifier design and even impact the ASU size itself to assure adequate peaking volumes are available. Keep in mind that while third-party merchant liquid may be present in the area for purchase, its availability may be significantly limited if stress on the grid is widespread. There are many considerations when sizing the LR system, and, in the opinion of the author, design tradeoffs and optimizations can only occur here if joint discussions occur between the consumer’s and IG supplier’s engineering and commercial teams.

Finally, besides CapEx benefits that may exist from sizing the LR tank(s), keep in mind that joint infrastructure savings are likely if the CPI facility and ASU construction periods overlap. Since the ASU will probably share utilities with the consumer, the project teams should evaluate CapEx sharing opportunities in areas such as electrical substation facilities, high-voltage transformers, and coordination and sharing of utilities, such as potable water, cooling water, and storm and sanitary sewer. The CapEx savings may be significant if bundling opportunities exist rather than if executing the ASU as a stand-alone project.

Questions for discussion

Overall, selecting an industrial gas supplier for an on-site facility should consider technical and commercial integration opportunities between the consumer and IG facility. Such potentials are not readily defined through the RFP process but through an optimization procedure occurring downstream of the initial RFP. The technical and commercial optimization discussions should result in an understanding between the parties in the following areas:

  • Will the IG supplier expend CapEx to meet the consumer’s baseload requirement and allow the IG supplier to provide merchant products (and potentially, gas products) to third parties in the area?
  • Is the power-purchase strategy understood and agreed to by the parties? Are the parties aligned on expected electricity-cost savings, associated risk and the manner in which the power pass through is administered for oxygen pricing escalation?
  • And finally, are the parties aligned on the design of the liquid backup systems (and ASU peaking capabilities) and the way in which they will be used to pursue OpEx savings with respect to power? Have the parties evaluated other CapEx savings opportunities that may occur due to joint project execution of the ASU and consumer facility?

When each IG bidder’s scope and optimization approach are understood, the consumer should then be in position to select the IG supplier that brings the best value proposition to the consumer, while understanding and accepting the associated risk profiles for those savings opportunities captured.

Edited by Scott Jenkins


John Peterson is the principal of Industrial Gas Commercial Advisors LLC (, a company that provides consulting and expert witness services to the industrial gas industry and to their existing and potential consumers. Before founding IGCA, Peterson worked for over 35 years at Praxair, supporting both the technical and commercial aspects of large volume industrial gas supply. He has a B.S.Ch.E. from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

Reactions - EVE University Wiki

Reactions are processes through which moon ores and gases are turned into intermediate products necessary for the manufacture of Boosters, T2 items/hulls, or T3 items/hulls. Each reaction requires a Reaction Formula, which works similarly to Blueprints but cannot be researched, copied, or invented. Furthermore, reactions can only be conducted in Refineries that have the relevant reactor module installed.

Reaction Process

Reactors can only be equipped in a Refinery in solar systems with a security rating of 0.4 or lower (i.e., not in high security space). Reactors come in three variants and support the following types of reactions:

  • Standup Biochemical Reactor I - Allows reactions of k-space cosmic signature gases to create chemicals used in the production of Boosters.
  • Standup Composite Reactor I - Enables reactions with moon ores to create materials needed as part of the T2 production supply chain.
  • Standup Hybrid Reactor I - Supports reactions involving w-space Fullerite gases to create intermediate products for T3 item and ship production.

These reactor modules can be rigged for material and time efficiency using T1 or T2 rigs, though it should be noted that the rigs are specific to the type of reactor module, providing bonuses only for that type of reaction. When searching for a suitable refinery, look in the Facility tab of the Industry window and mouse over facilities that show up in the Reactions column. Look for a facility that supports (and ideally provides bonuses for) the specific type of reaction you wish you run.

Note the system cost index: this will impact the job cost. In this screen capture the facility is bonused, but not for Hybrid reactions, though it is able to run Hybrid reactions. The System cost index for reactions is calculated based on all reactions done in the refinery's system, not just on Hybrid reactions.

Again, be sure to take reaction formulae and materials to a structure that is capable of running that kind of reaction. Commonly, structures will only be constructed to accept one type of reaction, often with bonuses for that type. For instance, a structure that is capable of running Hybrid reactions may not be able to handle biochemical or composite reactions. Look carefully at your structure browser results before driving expensive materials through dangerous space.

The process for any reaction is as follows:

  • Choose Reaction formula
  • Set number of runs
  • Set input & output location
  • Choose the proper wallet, if you have access to several
  • Press Start
  • After run time has passed, press deliver

The pictured reaction creates Carbon-86 Epoxy Resin from Fullerite-C320, Fullerite-C32, Zydrine, and Nitrogen Fuel Blocks. This is a hybrid reaction. The Carbon Polymers reaction formula in the picture is a composite reaction, and it is possible that the refinery running the Carbon-86 Epoxy Resin job would not accept a composite formula.


The relevant skills for reactions are as follows:

The related Drug Manufacturing (2x) skill allows the manufacture of Boosters using the manufacturing interface, not the reactions interface.


Some portions of the industrial processes described in this article can be very profitable, but as is usually the case in EVE Online's crafting system, a player can also manage to lose isk. Players are strongly encouraged to research the specific reaction(s) they are considering prior to buying formulae, raw materials, etc. Check the market prices and the costs involved to determine whether or not the reaction is likely to earn isk, or if it would be more profitable (and less trouble) to simply sell the raw gas or moon ore products.

Acquiring Formulae

Hybrid and composite reaction formulae are seeded in NPC stations, and can be purchased in many regions of New Eden. However, biochemical reaction formulae used in Booster manufacture are not. Biochemical formulae can be obtained as drops from some low-sec cosmic signature sites (with enemy rats), or from a null-sec "Gas" site that is really a combat site with rats and data cans. See Chemical Labs for a list of sites that may drop a biochemical formula. Blueprint copies to turn the reaction products into consumable Boosters can be bought using loyalty points at pirate faction stations.

Hybrid Polymer Reactions

This is the process by which the fullerite gases mined in wormhole space are transformed into Hybrid Polymers, which can themselves be transformed into Hybrid Tech Components in the manufacture of T3 ships. In addition to fullerite gases, these reactions also require the appropriate type of fuel blocks and minerals from standard asteroid ores.

After the reaction process the Hybrid polymer produced will typically have 40% or so of the feed materials volume, depending on the exact reaction and on the facility ME bonuses.


  • Polymer Reaction Formulae are seeded on the NPC market under Reactions > Polymer Reactions. As with other reaction formulae these cannot be researched.
  • Fullerites are obtained by harvesting gas sites in w-space. See Fullerenes for more details. Fullerites are bulky and shipping large quantities of these gases may become challenging.
  • Minerals are obtained from mining standard ores (either from Ores sites in w-space, or asteroid belts in k-space). Compared to Tech 2 manufacturing, very little minerals are actually required to manufacture Tech 3 ships and subsystems.
  • Fuel blocks are also required. These can be manufactured from ice and PI commodities or purchased on the market.

Hybrid Reaction Formulae

Hybrid reactions are organized as follows, with 100 units of each Fullerite gas required as inputs, along with 5 of the appropriate fuel blocks:

Formula Fuel Block Input Gas Input Gas Mineral C3-FTM Acid Helium Fullerite-C84 Fullerite-C540 80 Megacyte Carbon-86 Epoxy Resin Nitrogen Fullerite-C32 Fullerite-C320 30 Zydrine Fullerene Intercalated Graphite Hydrogen Fullerite-C60 Fullerite-C70 600 Mexallon Fulleroferrocene Oxygen Fullerite-C60 Fullerite-C50 1k Tritanium Graphene Nanoribbons Nitrogen Fullerite-C28 Fullerite-C32 400 Nocxium Lanthanum Metallofullerene Oxygen Fullerite-C70 Fullerite-C84 200 Nocxium Methanofullerene Hydrogen Fullerite-C70 Fullerite-C72 300 Isogen PPD Fullerene Fibers Hydrogen Fullerite-C60 Fullerite-C50 800 Pyerite Scandium Metallofullerene Helium Fullerite-C72 Fullerite-C28 25 Zydrine

Biochemical Reactions

Industry map of drugs. Manufacturing of improved and strong drugs requires multiple raw gas sources.

Boosters are manufactured from mykoserocin and cytoserocin gas harvested from clouds in cosmic signatures found in known space. These signatures only spawn in specific regions of New Eden. See Nebulae for some known nebula locations. These gases are distinct from the fullerite gases found in wormholes, which are used to create T3 ships and subsystems.

Processing gas

Gas must be processed into pure booster material before the final product is created. This is done using reactors at a refinery structure.

Pure boosters use Simple Biochemical Reactions at a Standup Biochemical Reactor I. Besides the gas, the reactions also require an additional unit, which varies based on the grade of the booster. Synth reactions use mykoserocin gases and consume Garbage, while Standard reactions use cytoserocin gases and consume Water. Improved reactions yield 12 units of product while using 20 units of either Spirits or Oxygen plus two 15-unit Standard inputs and 5 fuel blocks, depending on the exact product. Strong reactions also produce 12 units, requiring 20 units of Hydrochloric Acid, plus 12 units of an Improved material, 15 units of a Standard material, and 5 fuel blocks. Inexplicably, the Pure Strong Frentix Booster reaction formula requires 100 units of Hydrochloric Acid.

The schematic of biochemical reactions at right is drawn for Standard boosters, using cytoserocin gases. The schematic is mostly the same if using mykoserocin gas to create Synth booster materials, except that there are no "Improved" or "Strong" grade Synth boosters. Only Standard booster materials can be further refined to make the higher grade booster materials.

Booster creation

Consumable Boosters themselves are created as a normal manufacturing job in the industry window. This has no security requirements, and can be done in high security space. Manufacturing the final booster product requires the pure booster material of the desired grade, megacyte, and an appropriate blueprint.

See the separate article on Medical boosters for more in-depth information regarding the manufacture and use of boosters and cerebral accelerators.

Molecular-Forged Reaction Formulae

Molecular-forged reactions are introduced as part of capital production line. They are split into two groups: one based on fullerene gases found in wormholes, and the other based on cytoserocin and mykoserocin gases found in known space.


Molecular-forged reactions based on fullerenes require two gas types of 500 units each, five blocks of fuel blocks, ten thousand units of tritanium, and an isotropic deposition guide as inputs.

Formula Fuel Block Input Gas Input Gas Mineral Commodity Isotropic Neofullerene Alpha-3 Helium Fullerite-C84 Fullerite-C60 Tritanium Isotropic Deposition Guide Isotropic Neofullerene Beta-6 Hydrogen Fullerite-C28 Fullerite-C70 Isotropic Neofullerene Gamma-9 Nitrogen Fullerite-C72 Fullerite-C50

Cytoserocin & Mykoserocin

Molecular-forged reactions based on cytoserocin and mykoserocin require two gas types, five blocks of fuel blocks, and a matching special commodity.

Formula Fuel Block Input Gas Input Gas Commodity Axosomatic Neurolink Enhancer Nitrogen 40 Amber Mykoserocin 40 Golden Mykoserocin AG-Composite Molecular Condenser Reaction-Orienting Neurolink Stabilizer 10 Amber Cytoserocin 10 Golden Cytoserocin Sense-Heuristic Neurolink Enhancer Hydrogen 40 Azure Mykoserocin 40 Vermillion Mykoserocin AV-Composite Molecular Condenser Goal-Orienting Neurolink Stabilizer 10 Azure Cytoserocin 10 Vermillion Cytoserocin Cogni-Emotive Neurolink Enhancer Oxygen 40 Celadon Mykoserocin 40 Viridian Mykoserocin CV-Composite Molecular Condenser Stress-Responding Neurolink Stabilizer 10 Celadon Cytoserocin 10 Viridian Cytoserocin Hypnagogic Neurolink Enhancer Helium 40 Lime Mykoserocin 40 Malachite Mykoserocin LM-Composite Molecular Condenser Ultradian-Cycling Neurolink Stabilizer 10 Lime Cytoserocin 10 Malachite Cytoserocin

There is also a reaction that combines all the Neurolink Enhancers and a special commodity. This reaction requires 5 units of fuel blocks and produces 20 units of products.

Formula Fuel Block Input Input Input Input Commodity Meta-Operant Neurolink Enhancer Hydrogen 80 Axosomatic 80 Cogni-Emotive 80 Hypnagogic 80 Sense-Heuristic Meta-Molecular Combiner

Composite Reactions

Components are made using moon ores, and are used in T2 manufacturing. The basic procedure is as follows:

  • Step 1: Raw moon ore is reprocessed into basic moon materials (and some standard asteroid minerals).
  • Step 2: Moon materials are reacted together using the appropriate fuel blocks in a composite reactor to form intermediate materials.
  • Step 3: Composite materials are formed from reactions involving multiple intermediate ingredients, again using the correct fuel blocks in a composite reactor.
  • Step 4: Advanced components are then manufactured just like any standard T1 manufacturing process, using composite materials as inputs.

Intermediate Materials

Intermediate material reactions produce 200 units of product, consuming 100 units of each input required, plus 5 appropriate fuel blocks. Intermediate material reactions are organized as follows (note- the Unrefined variations are used as a way to convert one moon goo into another, though the conversion is not very efficient, and due to their uncommon usage, they are removed from the table):

Intermediate Fuel Block Input Input Caesarium Cadmide Oxygen Cadmium Caesium Carbon Fiber Helium Hydrocarbons Evaporate Deposits Carbon Polymers Helium Hydrocarbons Silicates Ceramic Powder Hydrogen Evaporite Deposits Silicates Crystallite Alloy Helium Cobalt Cadmium Dysporite Helium Mercury Dysprosium Fernite Alloy Hydrogen Scandium Vanadium Ferrofluid Hydrogen Hafnium Dysprosium Fluxed Condensates Oxygen Neodymium Thulium Hexite Nitrogen Chromium Platinum Hyperflurite Nitrogen Vanadium Promethium Neo Mercurite Helium Mercury Neodymium Platinum Technite Nitrogen Platinum Technetium Promethium Mercurite Helium Mercury Promethium Prometium Oxygen Cadmium Promethium Rolled Tungsten Alloy Nitrogen Tungsten Platinum Silicon Diborite Oxygen Evaporite Deposits Silicates Solerium Oxygen Chromium Caesium Sulfuric Acid Nitrogen Atmospheric Gases Evaporite Deposits Thermosetting Polymer Oxygen Atmospheric Gases Silicates Thulium Hafnite Hydrogen Hafnium Thulium Titanium Chromide Oxygen Chromium Titanium Vanadium Hafnite Hydrogen Vanadium Hafnium

There is one special intermediate material which produces only 10 units of product, requiring 2000 units of each input, and uses 5 fuel blocks.

Intermediate Fuel Block Input Input Oxy-Organic Solvents Oxygen Atmospheric Gases Hydrocarbons

Composite Materials

Composite materials come in Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, and Minmatar flavours, with the icon coloured according to which race they usually (but not always) 'belong' to. Like the intermediate composite reactions, 100 units of each input are required, plus the appropriate 5 fuel blocks. However, the units produced varies, and some composite materials require three or four different intermediate inputs instead of the usual two. Composite reactions are organized as follows:

Composite Amount Produced Fuel Block Input Input Extra Input? Extra Input? Empire Crystalline Carbonide 10,000 Helium Crystallite Alloy Carbon Polymers NA NA Gallente Fermionic Condensates 200 Helium Caesarium Cadmide Dysporite Fluxed Condensates Prometium All Fernite Carbide 10,000 Hydrogen Fernite Alloy Ceramic Powder NA NA Minmatar Ferrogel 400 Hydrogen Hexite Hyperflurite Ferrofluid Prometium All Fullerides 3,000 Nitrogen Carbon Polymers Platinum Technite NA NA All Hypersynaptic Fibers 750 Oxygen Vanadium Hafnite Solerium Dysporite NA All Nanotransistors 1,500 Nitrogen Sulfuric Acid Platinum Technite Neo Mercurite NA All Nonlinear Metamaterials 300 Nitrogen Titanium Chromide Ferrofluid NA NA Caldari Phenolic Composites 2,200 Oxygen Silicon Diborite Caesarium Cadmide Vanadium Hafnite NA All Photonic Metamaterials 300 Oxygen Crystallite Alloy Thulium Hafnite NA NA Gallente Plasmonic Metamaterials 300 Hydrogen Fernite Alloy Neo Mercurite NA NA Minmatar Sylramic Fibers 6,000 Helium Ceramic Powder Hexite NA NA All Terahertz Metamaterials 300 Helium Rolled Tungsten Alloy Promethium Mercurite NA NA Amarr Titanium Carbide 10,000 Oxygen Titanium Chromide Silicon Diborite NA NA Caldari Tungsten Carbide 10,000 Nitrogen Rolled Tungsten Alloy Sulfuric Acid NA NA Amarr

There are two special composite reactions that requires 200 units of intermediate components and 1 special intermediate reaction, while requiring no fuel blocks. These reactions produce 200 units of products.

Composite Input Input Special Input Pressurized Oxidizer Carbon Polymers Sulfuric Acid Oxy-Organic Solvents Reinforced Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber Thermosetting Polymer Oxy-Organic Solvents

Reaction Reference Tables

Besides simply selling the raw gas or the materials received from reprocessing moon ores, one could use reactions in the hopes that the additional profits would outweigh the isk, hauling risk, and time required. The three different reaction types in the game each have multiple steps, and the spaghetti organization of the formula inputs and outputs can be very confusing. The tables and explanations presented above may be useful for players who are committed to using reactions in their everyday gameplay. However, as a guide for those new to reactions, the following reference tables are provided to make some sense out of the chaos.

Biochemical Material Table

Gases harvested from k-space cosmic anomalies will be either cytoserocin or mykoserocin, with a color prefix. A very simplified table summarizing the first step in the booster manufacturing reaction process is presented below.

For cytoserocins, input 20 units of the gas, plus 20 units of water, along with 5 fuel blocks. The output of the reaction will be 15 units of Pure Standard material. For mykoserocins, input 40 units of gas, plus 40 units of Garbage, along with 5 fuel blocks. The output will be 30 units of Pure Synth material.

As an example, a player in possession of some Amber mykoserocin should price out a Synth Blue Pill Booster Reaction Formula (or ask a corp-mate to borrow one), and make sure the cost of 20 units of gas, 20 units of water, and 5 fuel blocks will be less than the sale price of 15 units of Pure Synth Blue Pill Booster material.

Gas prefix Fuel block Booster


Empire region


Null region


Amber Nitrogen Blue Pill (Shield boosting) The Forge (Mivora) Vale of the Silent (E-8CSQ) Golden Nitrogen Crash (Missile explosion radius) Lonetrek (Umamon) Tenal (09-4XW) Viridian Oxygen Drop (Tracking speed) Placid (Amevync) Cloud Ring (Assilot) Celadon Oxygen Exile (Armor repair) Solitude (Elerelle) Fountain (Pegasus) Lime Helium Frentix (Optimal range) Derelik (Joas) Catch (9HXQ-G) Malachite Helium Mindflood (Capacitor capacity) Aridia (Fabai) Delve (OK-FEM) Azure Hydrogen Soothsayer (Falloff range) Molden Heath (Tartatven) Wicked Creek (760-9C) Vermillion Hydrogen X-Instinct (Signature radius) Heimatar (Hed) Feythabolis (I-3ODK)

Hybrid Material Table

Did you ninja-huff some random Fullerites from a wormhole you found, and live to tell the tale? Well done! You could sell the gas, or react it to form something possibly more valuable. Armed with information from the following table, check the prices at your favorite market hub.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit pd pph3 4.

Formula Fuel Block C28 C32 C320 C50 C540 C60 C70 C72 C84 Mineral C3-FTM Acid Helium X X 80 Megacyte Carbon-86 Epoxy Resin Nitrogen X X 30 Zydrine Fullerene Intercalated Graphite Hydrogen X X 600 Mexallon Fulleroferrocene Oxygen X X 1k Tritanium Graphene Nanoribbons Nitrogen X X 400 Nocxium Lanthanum Metallofullerene Oxygen X X 200 Nocxium Methanofullerene Hydrogen X X 300 Isogen PPD Fullerene Fibers Hydrogen X X 800 Pyerite Scandium Metallofullerene Helium X X 25 Zydrine Found In Ice BF,VF VF,BF IC,VC BP,SP VC,IC TP,BP MP,TP OP,MP SP,OP Ores

Where the abbreviations for the wormhole gas sites is:

  • BP = Barren Perimeter
  • BF = Bountiful Frontier
  • IC = Instrumental Core
  • MP = Minor Perimeter
  • OP = Ordinary Perimeter
  • SP = Sizeable Perimeter
  • TP = Token Perimeter
  • VC = Vital Core
  • VF = Vast Frontier

Composite Material Table

For those who are comfortable mining regular asteroid ores, reprocessing mined moon ores yields a delicious bounty of minerals, plus a bunch of weird side products. Over time, all of those Evaporite Products pile up in an unsightly way, clogging up hangar space. Why not react them into composite materials? The market may pay more for them than for the basic reprocessing materials. For reference, the letters in the following table correspond to the type of fuel block required (He = Helium, for example).


Atmospheric Gases






Evaporite Deposits














Caesarium Cadmide O O Carbon Polymers He He Ceramic Powder H H Crystallite Alloy He He Dysporite He He Fernite Alloy H H Ferrofluid H H Fluxed Condensates O O Hexite N N Hyperflurite N N Neo Mercurite He He Platinum Technite N N Promethim Mercurite He He Prometium O O Rolled Tungsten Alloy N N Silicon Diborite O O Solerium O O Sulfuric Acid N N Thulium Hafnite H H Titanium Chromide O O Vanadium Hafnite H H Max Security Found






















Zeolite, Otavite,
Carnotite, Xenotime

Otavite, Ytterbite


Chromite, Monazite

Cobaltite, Carnotite,


Sylvite, Sperrylite,
Cinnabar, Monazite


Bitumens, Chromite,
Pollucite, Loparite



Sperrylite, Loparite


Euxenite, Loparite,

Coesite, Vanadinite,
Zircon, Ytterbite



Titanite, Zircon,

Scheelite, Cinnabar,

Vanadinite, Xenotime

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